Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Horseback riding!
I have a big interest for horses, and my family have two horses, so that is a perfect match. I use to ride our horses almost every day in the week, and I have a lot of fun with it, like I find up new things to learn, and new things to do. Today I did horseback riding with my friend Helene, That has gone on a riding school in three yeas. We started with breading the horses, so that they would not get a blister, than we took in something it the horses mouth, so we could control the horse from their back, than we started riding. First we did walk on to the riding ground, and did some jumping, and than we walked a trip in the forest near by. I did ride on both of our horses, and I did the all three paces on the bout of them. Her you can see some pictures of the trip we did with the horses today.
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Monday, September 21, 2015

The Trauma day!
This PE lesson we did turn into a PE day, so we did meat at school nine clock and did start to go little after.  We did walk up to persløkka, where our teacher, bill stood and explained us what we where going to do on the trauma day. What he did explained was that our class was going to start to act sick/hurt, and one other class was going to try to save us/help us, while an other class was filming, and the last class was grading the class that was going to save us/help us. We did this one time, and than we did switch, and after we had been doing this two times, we did make a fire, and on the fire we did grill our hot dogs and marshmallows, and I though it was really nice. After we was finished with grilling we did do the same thing as we had been doing before the grilling, so we did that two more times, and than our teacher, bill did say good bye, and than we could go. At the trauma day every class did have a way, or a story of how they got so hurt, and first our class was going to have a story, and our story was that we where on the ski lift, and than I came a man from the side and crashed into us, so than we in the groups of four did decide how of us that had broken both legs, and how of us that had got a stick in their eye and that person could not feel their legs, or their legs was tickling, and that person had also hurt their back, and the third person had been cuted of their fingers, and it was much blood, and the fourth person had a ski pole in their stomach. What I did think about the trauma day was that it was really fun, and I learned a lot more, and some  brand new, even thou we just did things we had already learned about. I thought that it would actually be much more seriously, like I thought that you needed to really concentrate, and be really focused on what you where doing, but actually I did find it not to seriously, and you had a lot of time, so you did not need to stress or do things really fast. When I look back I think it was a important experience, that I was lucky to get with me, and I learned a lot, and it was fun, interesting, and helpful to have the trauma day. This did help me to really understand how to deal with these things, and I am sure that this will help me in my life. Here you can see that it is some one hurt, and if I would met a person in the forest that would look like this I would first look if the person was alive, and if the person did breath, and let us say that this person could breath, but hi was really bloody, and he had broken his ankle, that I would first would take of my jacket, or some thing else I could tie a knot with, so than I would do a knot and that tie the jacket around he`s knee, so that it would stop the bleeding, and than I would get two quite tick sticks that I would set at each side of the ankle, and than use an other bit of  fabric to use to hold the sticks together, and so the person could not move their ankle.   
(the pictures are coming)        

Monday, September 14, 2015

Frisbee Golf 

In this PE lesson we were at HiBu, same as last time. My lesson started with coming too late to the class, and than got a little yelled at, but that is OK, and every body does wrong things in their school life. After that we had some last repetition, before the trauma day next week, and I am actually really glad we could do some repetition, because I don`t want to fail on the trauma day. So what we did to repeat was that we was in a group of  five, and one of the persons in our group did go little away to talk to our teacher, and than our teacher did come back alone and said to us that we had just seen a lightning, and that we had to try to find our mates, and save them, so than we did run to our class mates, and did do what we had learn to save them. After this practise our teacher did introduce us to Frisbee golf, and did tell us how to do Frisbee golf: After that we did start to try to reach the first goal, and our group did reach it with five throws with the Frisbee, and than we did seven other goals, before the lesson was over. I think it was fun to try a new sport like Frisbee golf, and I have actually not heard about this sport before, so that was kind of fun. What I can practise is to throw harder, so the Frisbee goes longer, because when I did throw the Frisbee i did not go to long, and when the others did throw it did go really long so that is some think I need to practice. Here is a picture of a guy that is called Kenneth R. Climo and he is a famous Frisbee golf player. I found this on:  




Sunday, September 6, 2015

Ultimate Frisbee

In the PE this week we did ultimate Frisbee, first we did walk to HiBu, because it was there we where going to have the PE, we started whit learning about health and how do fix something broken. After that we started to play ultimate Frisbee. In the start I needed to be told how to play Ultimate Frisbee, because I was not there last time when the other students in the class was learning how to play ultimate Frisbee. In the start after I was told how to play ultimate Frisbee, I thought that it was not so fun, and I did not really understand how to play, plus I thought it was very hard to catch the Frisbee. After a while, after we had played towards an other team, I started to understand the rules more, and understood more how to play ultimate Frisbee, and I thought it was more fun to play it when I did know the rules and how to play it more properly. After we had played towards all the other tree teams, we did learn little more about what to do with something broken, and than we began to walk back to the school. What I could do better was to try to not be so afraid of bouncing in to other people, because I was really afraid of bouncing in to other people, and then when I was playing Frisbee I took my time to look around me so I was sure to not bounce in to any one, but than I lost control of where the Frisbee was going, and than it was not easy to catch the Frisbee. I saw somebody else that did not care if he would bounce into any body else and this person did almost get the Frisbee every time, so that is something I could practice. What I did want to learn more about is how to throw the Frisbee to the place you wanted, and that is because always when I did throw the Frisbee, i did throw it right in front of me, because I thought it would go strait, but the Frisbee always did turn its way in the end when it was foaling down wards.